Monday 28 November 2016

My French

Have you ever tried to study French? I mean, non necessarily on the university, but in general? Because I have. And – sincerely – I hate german, but sometimes I think it would be easier to learn that horrible language than to speak and understand French.

We have all started to learn it during our Italian studies and after four terms of dramma I decided to choose English for the next three semesters. God bless you, UAM, for giving us that choice!

But I did not resigned completely from learning French. I’ve been studying it for 1,5 years now during private lessons. And still... I would never understand anything they say. They pronouce their words in such a strange way (bizarre!) that I can hardly repeat them. And no, I don’t hear ANY difference between ‘second’ and ‘twelfth’!!! 

I tried to listen to dialogues and songs. I learned a lot of words. I know the grammatical rules and many exception. I made a lot of effort to speak from time to time. NOTHING. I will never be able to use that language. 

Am I really so resistant or what???

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