Sunday 18 December 2016

Come back, lazy weekends!

I miss our lazy weekends we would spend together watching movies, eating junk food, spending time together and taking rest from the busy week. I miss our arguments about the movie we choose or chocolate we buy, as if it was the most important thing in the universe. I miss going to sleep early and waking up late, drinking the morning coffee for an hour and making plans for the future. Because now all the weekends are busy. And it’s sick. 

I miss my free time because this year something happened, not only to me, but to the human kind. I don’t know if it’s the question of paper work, shorter days, everyday rush (even more intensive)... but this year I don’t meet people who have... time. Time is priceless and so we prefer to sacrifice it to work that to the other people and personal needs. 

I count the days to Wednesday, to coming back home, to baking Christmas cookies and helping my mum without talking about school, my master, duties, money, work, time, exams, tests, homework, cleaning house, cooking dinner, teaching others, teachers, students... ecc. I would like to enjoy doing nothing and not having remorses, because remorses are the worst. What are they for? Because nowadays I feel guilty when I don’t work, study and I feel guilty if I go to bed too early (there is so much to do yet!...). 

Do you feel the same? Is it what we call, adulthood?

Friday 16 December 2016

Italian Christmas traditions

I wouldn’t like to spend Christmas in Italy. Generally I love this country, people, sagras and so on, but in my opinion Christmas traditions in Italy are... not interesting. Maybe it’s because in Poland this time is really special: we spend those days with our families, we divide Christmas wafer (which appears to be almost exclusively polish tradition) and leave an additional plate for an unexpected guest. 

In Italy it looks very different. Firstly, there is no snow, which ruins part of the Christmas atmosphere (unluckily in Poland we haven’t seen snow for Christmas time for a few years now too). Secondly, Italians do not spend the whole Christmas with their families: they go to the restaurants for the Christmas dinner, and later they party in the city with their friends. Thirdly, they eat strange things (which has nothing in common with our pierogi, bigos and barszcz). And, they eat Panettone and Pandoro – kind of a Christmas pound cake with dried fruit and powdered sugar which has  some really chemical aromas. I mean, it’s quite good if you eat one little peace, but after two or three you feel quite sick. 

And it’s also interesting that Italians do not celebrate 6 December but 6 January and that instead of Santa Claus the gifts are brought by Befana – an ugly witch!!! 

And you? Which are your favourite Christmas traditions?

Saturday 3 December 2016

Despicable politics

I know the topic of politics - especially polish politics, is rather difficult. But I cannot stand it anymore and I can't leave it with no comment. What is going on with our country? Why the government tries so hard to destroy it?

The thirst thing that makes me feel unsafe is that polish government seem to change everything their prodecessors have done. The new 'good change' should actually be called 'bad change' because for now we can't see any positive side of the government actions.

For instance, the latest change in education system is bizarre, unjustified and causes more disorder than improvement. Why can't we focus on doing something constructive instead of trying to divert everything which is stable?

Why are we going back to the times, when mass media were controlled by power and citizens had no access to actual information? Why does church influence politics instead of taking care of their own crisis? Why the president of Poland spends more time in church that in his office?

And finally: is it fair to deceive people, to use their simple-mindedness and to pay them some money (ruining  the country budget) to win the elections and introduce despicable acts of law? And finally - is it yet our country???

I don't want to live in 'it' anymore.